Design Workshop|Designing the ‘Social Design’
Rethinking the Systems and Platforms for Social Design
More than just crafting industrial items, social design affects our society in forms such as objects, languages and ideas. This workshop is focused on applying online engagement to system software and examining steps in the policy communication process, while connecting individuals to the collective opinion mechanism, as exemplified by social design-inspired software.
Oct|21|2017|13:30 - 16:30
▧ 主題|制度平台設計|Launchpad for Social Entrepreneurship
▧ 主持人|林以涵(Sunny) [ 社企流共同創辦人暨執行長 ]
▧ Industrial Design|System Design|Launchpad for Social Entrepreneurship
▧ Workshop Host|Sunny Yi-Han Lin [ Co-founder / CEO at Social Enterprise Associates ]
Oct|23|2017|13:30 - 16:30
▧ 主題|體驗設計|i-Voting設計
▧ 主持人|江典泗 [ 悠識數位策略規劃總監 / 共同創辦人 ]、紀旻廷 [ CoMaker 創新諮詢創辦人 / 成大文創育成中心導師 ]
▧ Industrial Design|Experience Design|i-Voting Design
▧ Workshop Host|Bryan Chiang [ UserXper Strategic Planning Director / co-founder ], Min Chi [ Founder of CoMaker / Mentor at CCIRDC from NCKU ]