OCTAPHILOSOPHY™八角哲學特展|展覽開幕影片 |展覽開幕
・OCTAPHILOSOPHY™八角哲學特展|展覽開幕影片 |展覽開幕影片
OCTAPHILOSOPHY™八角哲學特展,延伸自Restaurant ANDRÉ主廚江振誠為2016年最新發表的書籍OCTAPHILOSOPHY™所進行的世界巡迴計畫,八角哲學並不單是一本料理書,更是一種看待事物的創作思考方式與理念。台灣作為巡迴的首站,特邀八位身處不同領域的優異創作人共同參與計畫,將八角哲學之八個思考向度、透過自身的創作詮釋,將其「初衷」、「本質」、「過程」經由展覽做出新的轉化呈現,並透過建築、陶藝、工業、平面、花藝、插畫、版印、視覺不同層次的凝視角度,強調於人文精神及藝術創作的涵義中對話,在空間與視覺經驗的鋪陳引導下,誘發觀者重新組構思考八角哲學。
A Fortress of Thoughts Built in A Red Brick Heritage Site
Pure, Salt, Artisan, South, Memory, Unique, Terroir, Texture
OCTAPHILOSOPHY™ is a touring project extended from the latest same-titled book by Restaurant ANDRÉ chef André Chiang in 2016. This publication is not only a model that applies to cooking, but also a thread in creative thinking. Debuted in Taiwan, this project invites eight interdisciplinary creative artists to involve. They interpret eight different aspects in OCTAPHILOSOPHY™ with their own media, including architecture, ceramics, industrial, graphic, floriculture, illustration, printing and visual, to present "origin", "essence", and "process" in new ways. Guided by spatial and visual experiences, humanity and artworks interconnect and inspire viewers to reconfigure OCTAPHILOSOPHY™.
Eight Inspirations, Extracted from Life, Penetrate Humanity and Art Network
Artworks are installed in serenity, accompanied by eight large-sized images representing OCTAPHILOSOPHY™, as well as eight artists' portraits hanged from the ceiling. Eight book slipcase designs in three dimensions correspond with eight aspects. As we walk in between, linear threads stretches and form inner walls. We see foregrounds and backgrounds at the same time. This arrangement shifts our understanding in space. "We start with words refined from life and condense our thoughts, to expand connections though diverse creative methods."