



How Can Social Design Be Realized in Practice? Ideas From Japan

Designers’ detailed observations of the ordinary lifestyle provide the social foundation for Japan’s renewed design prowess. From graphic and industrial designs to residential housing styles, the ideas behind mundane routines are prime subjects for aspiring social designers. At this forum, a veteran Japanese designer will talk about designers’ social position and how knowledge is put into practice.

設計師與社會設計 - 日本經驗

文|范成浩 [ 國立臺灣藝術大學 工藝設計學系助理教授 ]

人類近代史上,有幾個重要的活動:一個是法國大革命,一個是工業革命。這些活動的共同點就是要破除階級,帶領人類在政治、社會及產業等領域,走向現代化。在近代設計史上,曾經發生在英國的美術工藝運動(Arts and Crafts Movement),不僅強調美要回歸到人的生活,也希望能打破勞役不均的現象,運用設計的想法,試圖改變人類的生活方式,可以說是社會設計的先驅。

在亞洲的日本,柳宗悅先生在當時日本工藝的兩大主軸(工:殖產興業,走的是帝國工藝路線;藝:文明開化,走的是日本工藝美術路線)之外,提倡了”民藝”, 造就了日本的”工藝精神”,逐漸在日本民間開花結果,並由其兒子柳宗理先生實踐了這樣的思想,凡事精益求精,擁有品質高超的製造能力。



Designers and Social Design: The Japanese Experience

Text by Chen-Hao Fan [ Assistant Professor of Craft & Design, National Taiwan University of Arts ]

Two important movements in recent human history: The French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution. The similarity they share is breaking social class and leading people to modernize in politics, social progress, and industries. In recent history of design, there was the Arts and Crafts Movement across the British Empire, advocating not just the reconnection of beauty and life, but also economic and social reform with design ideas to change the way people live. The movement is a social design pioneer.

In Asia, Japan, Soetsu Yanagi advocated the mingei (folk craft) movement against the backdrop of the two mainstreams of Japanese arts: the imperial industrial art and the Japanese culture-based industrial art. The mingei movement bloomed and his spirit was later realized by his son Sori Yanagi. The idea gave birth to Japan’s Craftsmanship: pursuing perfection. Thanks to that, Japan boasts high quality manufacturing power.

After WWII, Japan combined its Craftsmanship with design and rose as an influential economy, however, was lost during endless commercial competition. The Great Hanshin earthquake in 1995 and the Tohoku earthquake in 2011 awakened the Japanese design community to rethink the meaning of design to the consumers, the industries, and the society, and emphasize that design must progress from visible beauty to invisible one. Everything, including manufacturing, interactions, services, and regional developments, needs to change with the power of design. From the winning works of the Good Design Award, one can clearly see that designers are changing the society through design.

Social design is not simply designing an object. It is designing procedures to allow the public to participate in social issues, and with the power of the people, to change the society.


Oct|10|2017|13:30 - 16:40
▧ 主持人|詹偉雄【社會觀察家】
▧ 與談人|田中一雄【GK Industrial Design Inc. 社長】、馮宇【設計企畫公司 IF OFFICE 負責人】

▧ Forum Host|Wei-Hsiung Chan [ Social Observer ]
▧ Keynote Speaker|Kazuo Tanaka [ President of GK Industrial Design Inc. ], Yu Feng [ Owner of IF OFFICE ]


Oct|11|2017|13:30 - 16:40
▧ 主持人|范成浩【國立臺灣藝術大學 工藝設計學系助理教授 】
▧ 與談人|矢島進二【日本設計振興會事業部 部長】、鄭陸霖【社會設計策略專家】

▧ Forum Host|Chen-Hao Fan [ Assistant Professor of Craft & Design, National Taiwan University of Arts ]
▧ Keynote Speaker|Shinji Yajima [ Executive Director of Project Department, Japan Institute of Design Promotion ], Lu-Lin Cheng [ Social Design Strategist ]





Urban Planning and Corporate Participation and Promotion of Social Design – Moving Towards The "Design Society"

To discuss the future social design practice in Taipei City, the agenda will revolve around corporate engagement and examples of international urban design consultancy, with the aim of engaging both benchmark companies and urban designers to brainstorm the right approaches to social designs and building a design-driven society.


文|詹偉雄 [ 社會觀察家 ]

這裡的關鍵在於:「社會設計」必須捲進社會之中,不是一、兩個人靈光一閃的傑作,社會設計的作用在於社會成員的有機互動,在完成某些設計的客觀之物之時,心智結構(mindset)也跟著重新塑造。而最終,「社會設計」關心的是社會能否藉由這些設計,重新獲得一種「社會整合」( social solidarity ) 的一體感與榮耀感。因而,它不單只是關懷弱勢者的一種被動、補救性的行為,而是一種面向新世界、破壞性創新的介入式社會工程。

The Future of Social Design

Text by Wei-Hsiung Chan, Social Observer

"Social design" is an idea literally composed of the dual concepts of "society" and "design"- this much is clear. But the simplicity of this explanation is exactly the reason why people have such a difficult time understanding what this means. For instance, why has social design appeared with this generation rather than earlier or later?
The concept of social design has its origins late-20th Century Europe. From there, it gradually swept through cities around the world. Social design stresses that city governments and those willing to create new opportunities in society should create various society-changing designs through society itself in order to promote a new social welfare.
The key here is that, "social design" must permeate society. It is not the result of a sudden flash of inspiration on the part of one or two people. The function of social design is in the organic interaction between members of society. When completing certain objective aspects of design, peoples' mindsets will be reshaped. And finally, "social design" is concerned with whether society is able to regain a sort of social solidarity- a sense of unity and pride- through these designs. Therefore, social design is not just a passive force that seeks to help the disadvantaged, it is instead a sort of interventionist social program that faces towards a new world and disruptive innovation.
Day by day, the cold bureaucracy, professional politics, standard operating procedures, and programmed modes of daily lives seen in modern cities break down the sense of connection that links people together and alienates people from one another. Social design is the movement towards collective enlightenment working to reverse this unfortunate trend. This is where social design's urgency and its significance to our times lie.
In theory, the policies of every government office should be a small example of social design, but looking at Taiwan, we discover that the reality is extremely far from this vision. The future of social design in Taiwan may have to begin with large numbers of people joining together to wake up the old dinosaurs in our government!


Oct|24|2017|13:30 - 16:40
▧ 主持人|龔書章【國立交通大學 建築研究所副教授兼所長】
▧ 與談人|邱文傑【邱文傑建築師事務所負責人】、Sinus Lynge【Effekt 共同創辦人】

▧ Forum Host|Shu-Chang Kung [ Associate Professor and Dean of NCTU Graduate Institute of Architecture ]
▧ Keynote Speaker|Wen-Chieh Chiu [ Owner of J+R architects and associates ], Sinus Lynge [ Co-Founder of Effekt ]


Oct|25|2017|13:30 - 16:40
▧ 主持人|詹偉雄【社會觀察家】
▧ 與談人|彭明義【Gogoro行銷副總】、吳漢中【2016臺北世界設計之都執行長】

▧ Forum Host|Wei-Hsiung Chan [ Social Observer ]
▧ eynote Speaker|Ming-I Peng [ Marketing Vice President, Gogoro ], Han Wu [ CEO, World Design Capital Taipei 2016 ]


社會設計概念起源 - 歐洲經驗



Rooting Social Design in the Long-Term Context of Human Life: The European Experience of Social Design

The notion of social design has long existed in Europe and recently evolved into an integral part of people’s lives as environmental sustainability becomes a hot topic, social bonds are repaired and European cities develop an array of design ideas. Focused on European experiences, this forum will help the audience navigate through European findings and reflections on social design since its genesis.

社會設計概念起源 - 歐洲經驗

文|鄭陸霖 [ 社會設計策略專家 ]

「社會」與「設計」是「現代性」被拆散多年的雙生子。 哥本哈根的都市計劃努力在更接近人性的尺度上創新都市生活的活力,蘇格蘭的設計介入試圖透過資源交換網絡創造更自足的離島生活… ,孕育「現代性」與接生「社會設計」的歐洲,超越市場、想像公共,仍不懈地試探著人類「社會+設計=啟蒙」的未竟旅程。

The Origin of Social Design: The European Experience

Text by Lu-Lin Cheng, Social Design Strategist

Questions about "origins" have always been extremely difficult to answer, and any clear and simple explanations are worthy of skepticism.
The most common answer to the question of social design's origins comes from Victor Papanek's Design for the Real World: Human Ecology and Social Change, published in 1971 and the Design for the Other 90% exhibition held in New York in 2007. These created the illusion of an origin. Design experts prefer narratives of heroes taking on adversity. But we must look deeper into history for answers.
"Design" focuses on the possibilities for happiness that "man-made objects" may bring to humankind. In the opening to Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey", apes living in a state of natural ignorance pick up bones and use them as weapons. While it goes against our intuition, "design" is what made the very first humans
The craving for advancement that people put into their designs was only reawakened when the Enlightenment in 17th Century began to challenge divinely ordained prohibitions. Today's "social design" is something that people calling themselves "makers" have stumbled upon while on the same road, the road towards escaping pain and finding happiness.
The Enlightenment also led humankind to discover "society" for the first time. People became aware that our everyday life is a product of "society", and that naturally, "social design" can create completely new possibilities. Beginning in France, the social ideas of liberty, equality, and fraternity ignited revolutionary zeal throughout Europe, giving birth to social ideal of free people uniting to build a just world.
"Society" and "design" are twin children of "modernity" that have been separated for many years. Urban planning in Copenhagen, Denmark strives to create a new vitality in urban life that approaches a human scale. Plans in Scotland are attempting to create a more self-sufficient way of life on outlying islands through a resource exchange network. Europe, which gave birth to "modernity" and is acting as a cradle for "social design", is putting the public ahead of the market, and tirelessly feeling its way forward on humanity's unfinished journey towards the equation "Society + Design = Enlightenment".


Oct|17|2017|13:30 - 16:40
▧ 主持人|陳東升【國科會人文處前處長】
▧ 與談人|Tina Saaby【哥本哈根市建築總監】、Gordon Hush【格拉斯哥藝術學院產品設計學系系主任】

▧ Forum Host|Dung-Sheng Chen [ Ex-Director of Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, MOST, R.O.C. ]
▧ Keynote Speaker|Tina Saaby [ City Architect, Copenhagen ], Gordon Hush [ Head of Product Design Programme Leader, The Glasgow School of Art ]


Oct|18|2017|13:30 - 16:40
▧ 主持人|阮慶岳【元智大學 藝術與設計學系專任教授】
▧ 與談人|Ilpo Koskinen【香港理工大學 設計學院教授】、鄭陸霖【社會設計策略專家】

▧ Forum Host|Ching-Yue Ruan [ Architecture Curator and Novelist ]
▧ eynote Speaker|Ilpo Koskinen [ Professor of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University ], Lu-Lin Cheng [ Social Design Strategist ]