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Design Workshop|Designing the ‘Social Design’
Rethinking the Systems and Platforms for Social Design
More than just crafting industrial items, social design affects our society in forms such as objects, languages and ideas. This workshop is focused on applying online engagement to system software and examining steps in the policy communication process, while connecting individuals to the collective opinion mechanism, as exemplified by social design-inspired software.
Oct|21|2017|13:30 - 16:30
▧ 主題|制度平台設計|Launchpad for Social Entrepreneurship
▧ 主持人|林以涵(Sunny) [ 社企流共同創辦人暨執行長 ]
▧ Industrial Design|System Design|Launchpad for Social Entrepreneurship
▧ Workshop Host|Sunny Yi-Han Lin [ Co-founder / CEO at Social Enterprise Associates ]
Oct|23|2017|13:30 - 16:30
▧ 主題|體驗設計|i-Voting設計
▧ 主持人|江典泗 [ 悠識數位策略規劃總監 / 共同創辦人 ]、紀旻廷 [ CoMaker 創新諮詢創辦人 / 成大文創育成中心導師 ]
▧ Industrial Design|Experience Design|i-Voting Design
▧ Workshop Host|Bryan Chiang [ UserXper Strategic Planning Director / co-founder ], Min Chi [ Founder of CoMaker / Mentor at CCIRDC from NCKU ]
Design Workshop|Create a Sense of Collective Glory
Building the City's Image – Joint Participation and the Fostering of a Sense of Identification
What impression does Taipei City make on the public in general? This workshop is meant to evoke the civilian's expectation and through brainstorming, workshop attendees can further identify with Taipei, sowing the seeds of city pride through hands-on experiences that radiate across the city — all it takes is the passion and urge to play your part in determining the face of Taipei!
Oct|14|2017|13:30 - 16:30
▧ 主題|平面設計|區徽設計
▧ 主持人|馮宇 [ 設計企畫公司 IF OFFICE 負責人 ]
▧ Industrial Design|Graphic Design|Regional Emblem Design
▧ Workshop Host|Yu Feng [ Owner of IF OFFICE ]
Oct|16|2017|13:30 - 16:30
▧ 主題|服裝設計|Fashion Week 城市嘉年華
▧ 主持人|齊振涵 [ wisdom設計總監 ]、劉正堃(Abei) [ 設計師、插畫家 ]
▧ Industrial Design|Fashion Design|Fashion Week Carnival
▧ Workshop Host|Chen-Han Chyi [ Design Director at wisdom ], Cheng-Kun Liu [ Designer ]
Design Workshop|Public Care as an Embodiment of Truth, Kindness of Beauty
From Urban Spaces to Fenced-Off Industrial Sites – Participation, Repurposing and Transformation
The importance a city attaches to public care is almost certainly reflected in its soft power. Public care entails the two most tangible and inevitable dimensions of a city-dweller’s daily life: the aesthetics and functionality of industrial and architectural designs. This workshop encourages voice opinions about urban issues, however insignificant they may seem.
Oct|07|2017|13:30 - 16:30
▧ 主題|工業設計|工地圍籬美化
▧ 主持人|徐景亭 [ 東海醫院設計工作室負責⼈ ]
▧ Industrial Design|Construction Fence Design
▧ Workshop Host|Ching-Ting Hsu [ Project manager for DHH Studio ]
Oct|09|2017|13:30 - 16:30
▧ 主題|工業設計|工地圍籬美化
▧ 主持人|邱文傑 [ 邱文傑建築師事務所負責人 ]、廖嘉舜 [ F I E L D D I R E K T O R百里城市設計工作小組 ]、傅靜涵 [ 傅靜涵建築師事務所 ]、林柏陽 [ 境衍設計事務所Fieldevo Design Studio ]、林彥穎、陳彥伶 [ 十彥設計/YEN PARTNERSHIP ARCHITECTS ]
▧ Architectural Design|House Warming Party
▧ Workshop Host|
Wen-Chieh Chiu [ Owner of J+R architects and associates ], Chia-Shun Liao [ Architect of FIELDDIREKTOR ], Ching-Han Fu [ Owner of Near Future works ], Bo-Yang Lin [ Owner of Fieldevo Design Studio ], Yen-Ying Lin, Yen-Ling Chen [ YEN PARTNERSHIP ARCHITECTS ]