
著色臺北|Power Drawing |


著色臺北|Power Drawing


這是一道關於臺北共創力量的黑板牆,邀請藝術家以「We Are the Power」為作品創作主題,於展覽期間進行現場的創作,於過程中邀請參與展覽的民眾一同拿起粉筆參與完成作品,社會設計的創新和推動需要We的參與,Power Drawing,運用雙手,共創臺北城市想像!

Social Design Brings Rebirth, as We “DRAW” the Power of the City

On a huge chalkboard representing the collaboration of Taipei residents, Power Drawing participants, including professional artists, will render impromptu works befitting the “We Are The Power” theme to underscore public engagement in innovating and implementing social designs. Together, we shall build visions for Taipei by using our hands and imagination!

螢幕快照 2017-07-12 19.28.41.png

何庭峰 / 建築大叔Uncle Architectur

Ting Fung HO, aka Uncle Architecture
Born in Macao. Based in Taipei. Master of Urban Design, ETHZ. Master of Architecture, National Chiao Tung University. Bachelor of Architecture, Tunghai University. Designing architectures and creating comics.

王春子 Chuen-Tz Wang

Chuen-Tz Wang
An illustrator, also a designer. Author of picture journals “Be Strong” and “What Is Your Morning?,” and picture book “Where Is Mommy?“ Chuen-Tz is the co-publisher of independent periodical “Terroir.”

陳彥旭 Ash

Ash Chen
Young designer/artist from Taiwan. Ash presents 3D art with combining observations of fine arts and structural design of architectures. Specializing in injecting new life into monotonous space.

臺北五十分之一|Taipei Storytelling


臺北五十分之一|Taipei Storytelling

Taipei 1/50 Zone

社會設計體驗 - 共創臺北城市新文本


A Social Design Experience – Let’s Create stories for Taipei Together!

A city devoid of stories lacks charm. By means of writing, we aim to emotionally reconnect Taipei City and its dwellers, and redefine the relationship between artists and the general public. 50 artists — including opinion leaders and professionals in various fields — were recruited to compose the first and the fiftieth sentence of each story, with 48 Taipei residents taking part in a storytelling relay that led to independent, city-specific stories, each participant played a crucial role in honoring Taipei by participating and creating new social ties.
Taipei 1/50 Zone Participants (by story sequence)
Wei Jung Huang, Tom, Shuo Hsiao, Minjia Chen, Fish Liu, Owen Wang、Shuan、Ta-Han Lin, Hana、Candy Bird, Chang Chang, An-Ting Liu, André Chiang, Agnes Kuang, Kevin Chen, Michael Hu, Zuyi Lin, Aaron Li, Te-Fan Wang, Weilun Tseng, Hauer Hsieh, Amber Lin, Howard Cheng, Junder Cheng, ystudio、Tanya Wang, Milkman, Blues To, Bigi Yang, Atom, AGCT, Kate Hsu, Chi-Yang Chiang, Wen-Yi Chang, Sen Chien, O.OO, Divooe Zein, Tim Cheng, Jin-Kai Chen, Harris Cheng, Rex Hon, Kay Lo, Chia-Chun Mao, Doris Yeh, Ivan Liu, Xuan Liu, Chia Hu, Sunny Yi-Han Lin, Fines Lee, Steve Wang




Call All Talent!100 Social Design Proposals

WE WANT YOU!社會需要集體的設計,在設計之下自成一個社會!


WE WANT YOU! a Self-Sufficient Society Is Not Possible Without Collective Designs!

More than just crafting a product, slogan or theory, social design is a phenomenal force that constantly drives a city and its organic growth. Since a city's energy and vision comes from its citizens, we launched a massive competition to seek social design proposals and systematically facilitate citizen engagement. The proposal solicitation process was intended to help Taipei residents team up and renew their understanding of the city’s past, create participatory experiences, and nurture viable possibilities of societal functions.





By Yi-Hua Hsu, Hong-Ruei Lin, and Ho-Chien Chen
Starting from home, we redesign and renew house numbers to make them clearer and easier to read, and fit in better with the city. For citizens, they can know the city deeper. For travelers, they explore the city more conveniently.



Merit Award|BIKE CYCLE

Although YouBike has become an important choice of transportation, there’s still a problem: almost all bikes move from the MRT to residential areas when people get off work. Trucks are required to send bikes to those empty YouBike stations. This project changes the way YouBike charges to encourage users to ride to those stations with less bikes available to balance the amount of bikes in different stations.



Merit Award|Mobile Labor Consulting | Solving labor problems

By Gavin Chiu, Eileen Chiu, Yen-Chang Lin, Yi-Tzu You, Pin-Yu Chen, Yu-Ling Wei
The proposal aims to integrate labor services and solve problems met by labors, bridging the gap between those problems and their solutions. By establishing a platform APP, the project provides users a simple way of finding a solution to work-related disputes they confront. For labors, simply type in their info, and the APP will guide them to solutions and thus protect their rights.



Best Popularity Award | UBRELLA (Use an umbrella with love in Taipei)

By Yi-Hsuan Lin

Bus stops are everywhere in Taipei. This proposal makes use of the existing stops, and adds the idea of “umbrella for your convenience.” With the current YouBike system, anyone who has a registered EasyCard can use this umbrella rental service. It creates new value to Taipei, and builds a lively image of the city.